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Meet the team!

We are a mother and daughter team. Our business started in May 2021. We were putting our heads together for ideas of what we could make for my 5 year old sons birthday at the time and we created some lovely plaster of paris party favours for him to gift to his friends at school.

Upon seeing the results so many people commented on what a good idea it was that my daughter who was 15 at the time said “ Mum we should make these and sell them at affordable prices” and then ARTY KIDS CREATIONS was formed. We have since been able to support numerous local charities by supplying donations for raffles and we will continue to support charities going forward

I work as a full time Nurse and my daughter is currently studying at college. we do this because we enjoy seeing what all the lovely children create and we have a very willing little boy who is always happy to test our items and give his feedback.

Thanks for reading!